Stewards of a New Culture 
More and more communities are realizing the powerful potential they hold to positively impact the people that live and work in them. Establishing community credit-clearing – or complementary currencies – is one of those ways.
GETS Plus stewards you or your community to build a credit-clearing system that is responsible and sustainable.
We do this by providing a combination of leading-edge technology, customized strategy and planning, proven processes, and set standards.
Our Vision & Our Philosophy
When a strong community gets behind a good idea, good things can happen. But just as important is making those good things matter…and making them last. It has to go beyond just a novel idea or a cool marketing pitch. This is particularly true when establishing a community currency.
Many believe that possessing the right credit-clearing technology is the key, but that’s only part of the challenge. We believe that as important is operating with accepted standards of practice, and shared ownership and responsibility.
Standards – Trust, Transparency & Collaboration 
Introducing a credit-clearing system is nothing short of establishing a new economy that operates alongside the existing cash economy.
It’s exciting, but extremely complex.
If not properly launched and administered, many businesses can be harmed by a community’s attempt to help. Baked-in to the GETS technology are standards that are not in any other system.
For example, Transparency of your system and Credit-Issuing to your members - both follow set processes that have been established from proven and ethical practices.
These very processes are not only in our instruction for you, but also in our technology.
These are just a few examples.
GETS Plus delivers education and planning on many concepts and processes so that a common set of sustainable standards is being followed.
That way, credit-clearing communities that subscribe to the GETS method will be recognized as communities that are trusted, sustainable, and in-step with a shared vision.
"We think that’s pretty powerful"
GETS Plus Core Standards
GETS users will meet the high standards of operating a sustainable system to include:
- Transparency of your system with your members.
- Responsible credit-issuing based on sound principles.
- Compliance with local and federal laws.
- Collaboration with fellow GETS users.
Shared Ownership & Responsibility
“One From Many” a concept so named by Dee Hock may be the best words to describe the ultimate goal of GETS Plus.
Quite simply, by creating and nurturing this new culture, we intend to establish a cooperative of GETS users that will ultimately have the opportunity to own the very technology and processes we are providing.
Because it is our Philosophy that the best systems are mutually owned and operated.
Committed to Standards
GETS Plus are passionately committed to the creation and adoption of new Standards and Quality procedures for the industry.
In June 2012 as a result of GETS (Richard Logie) the British Standards Institute (BSI wiki) were invited to attend the City of London (COL wiki) Capacity Exchange roundtable meeting following on from their research and feasibility report entitled “Capacity, Trade and Credit: Emerging Architectures for Commerce and Money”. In November 2012 the British Standards Institute hosted a workshop in the United Kingdom to research the development and creation of a recognized Quality Standard for the industry.
GETS view this as an exciting step forward and are proud to be associated with the British Standard Institute, City of London and other industry professionals in the ongoing development in the future of a unique Quality Standard specifically for the capcity trade exchange industry.
Through Collaboration Connected
GETS provides the opportunity for individuals and their communities to utilize the GETS method to support their credit-clearing project. As well, GETS Plus will respond to and approach communities that have a desire to establish and nurture local commerce utilizing a locally-owned, home-grown complementary currency.